Published on:
24 August 2022
The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) has announced the appointments to its Board of four new non-executive directors; Marlene Shiels, Monica Kalia, Sara Weller CBE and Simon Hamilton will join the MaPS Board from 1 September 2022.
Non-Executive members of MaPS Board are responsible for providing appropriate oversight, governance and direction to MaPS in pursuit of its statutory objectives.
The Money and Pensions Service is an arm’s-length body, sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions, with a joint commitment to ensuring that people throughout the UK have guidance and access to the information they need to make effective financial decisions over their lifetime.
Marlene, Monica, Sara and Simon join the MaPS Board which includes Sir Hector Sants, Chair; Ann Harris OBE, CPFA; and Alex Heath.
Marlene Shiels has over 30 years’ experience in the credit sector, promoting, growing and developing credit unions throughout the UK and beyond. She is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the Capital Credit Union and holds a membership role at the HMT Financial Inclusion Policy Forum. She previously held the position of Chair of the FCA Smaller Business Practitioner Panel and was a member of the FCA Practitioner Panel until June 2022. She is also an adviser to the Duchess of Cornwall on financial inclusion.
Monica Kalia has been recognised by Forbes as one of the top female leaders in Fintech and listed as one of the Top 100 Most Influential BAME Leaders in UK Tech by the Financial Times & Inclusive Boards. She has shown a demonstrable commitment to championing the cause of advancement of women and minorities in business. She has over 25 years’ experience in the financial services sector at the Bank of America, Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs and is versed in improving financial capability in areas such as affordable credit, savings and debt advice in non-executive roles at Step Change.
Sara Weller CBE brings with her an extensive background in non-executive roles across the public and private sectors, including a current role at BT Group. She has wide-ranging experience in customer focused operations, including the support and provision of the most vulnerable, as well as experience of structural and cultural transformation.
Simon Hamilton has had an executive career of over 30 years in financial services, split between management consulting and strategic leadership roles in three mutuals, including eight years at Nationwide Building Society. He has been responsible for leading diverse transformation initiatives including new business building with Fintechs, digital transformation, M&A, turnaround, outsourcing and critical regulatory programmes. Simon currently holds a Board level role as Governor at the Arts University Bournemouth.
Sir Hector Sants, Chair of MaPS, said:
"I am delighted to welcome Marlene, Monica, Sara and Simon to the MaPS Board. Between them, they bring a diverse range of experiences to the Board across different sectors and their skillsets will help complement the existing expertise across both the MaPS Board and the Executive Leadership team. The strength of the Board will continue to challenge our thinking to find new and innovative ways to improve people’s financial wellbeing."
Marlene Shiels said:
"The Money and Pensions Service plays such a critical role in helping people make the best use of their money. This has never been more important as we face the challenge of the increased cost of living. Helping people build financial wellbeing and resilience in light of this is going to be a major challenge, and one which I look forward to bringing 30 years of expertise working with people who have fewer financial choices. I am delighted to have been given this opportunity to contribute to MaPS, through membership of the Board, and look forward to working with the leadership to support people achieve financial wellbeing."
Monica Kalia said:
"Building on my work on financial inclusion and debt advice, I am thrilled to be joining the Board of MaPS. I am looking forward to working with my fellow Board members and the Executive team supporting the mission of helping those most in need, improve their financial wellbeing."
Sara Weller CBE said:
"The cost of living is rising rapidly, and retirement is lasting longer than ever, so making good decisions about money has never been more important. I am committed to helping MaPS get people the guidance they need to access a financially better future, wherever they start from."
Simon Hamilton said:
"I am delighted to be joining the MaPS Board at this vital time. After almost a decade helping people make the most of their money at the world’s largest building society, I look forward to applying my strategy, transformation and operational skills to help improve people’s financial wellbeing in all stages of life."
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Marlene Shiels biography: Member of the HMT Financial Inclusion Policy Forum -2018 – present. Chair of SBPP 2019 – June 2022. Member of FCA Practitioner Panel 2019 – June 2022. Adviser to the Duchess of Cornwall on financial inclusion 2012 – present. Chair of the MaPS Nation of Savers Challenge Group 2019-2020. Member of the World Council of Credit Unions Board 2009-2012. Member of the Chartered Banker Institute Counsel 2008 – 2014. Vice Chair of ABCUL 2008-2010. Chair of the Building Societies Workplace Savings Committee. 2012-2015 Director, Stepchange, The Debt Charity (Scotland).
Monica Kalia biography: Co Founder of Neyber Ltd (Fintech) 2014-21. Exec Director with Goldman Sachs 2007-13. VP with Credit Suisse 2006-07. New York VP of Bank of America 2000-03. Trustee with StepChange Debt Charity 2017-2022. Advisor with Clim8 Investments since 2021.
Sara Weller CBE biography: Non-Executive Director at BT Group plc (July 2020 – current), Chair of the Remuneration Committee, New College Oxford (member from 2014 – chair from 2020 to current), Member of the Stop MS Appeal Board. Previous Non-Executive Director and Responsible Business Committee Chair, Lloyds Banking Group (Feb 2012- May 2021), Chair of Cambridge University (CU) Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Board (2018 – October 2021), Non-Executive Director and Remuneration Chair, United Utilities plc (March 2012 to July 2020), Lead Non Executive at the Department for Work and Pensions (April 2017- April 2020), External Member of Cambridge University Council (January 2015 – December 2019), Committee Member, Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) (July 2011 to March 2018), Chairman, Planning Inspectorate (August 2014-September 2017), Lead Non-Executive Director, Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) (December 2010 to December 2015), and Non-Executive Director, SID and Remuneration Chair; Mitchells and Butlers (M&B) plc (April 2003- January 2010) . Managing Director, Argos Ltd (July 2004 to May 2011).
Simon Hamilton biography: Managing Director, Nationwide for Business, Nationwide Building Society 2018-2020. Director of Strategic Planning, Nationwide 2017-2018. Chief Technology Officer, Nationwide 2015-2017. Divisional Director, Enterprise Development, Nationwide 2012-2015. Group Change & Operations Director, Liverpool Victoria (LV=) 2007-2011. Director of Business Transformation, Portman Building Society 2004-2007. Partner, Accenture 2001-2003. Currently Governor with Arts University Bournemouth.
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