Published on:
01 December 2021
Evidence suggests that ‘just in time’ financial education can be particularly effective for young people before they embark into financial independence. However, in the UK, less than half of secondary school age children (42%) recall learning about managing money at school.
The Money and Pensions Service’s children and young people pathfinder programme funded five pathfinder projects between 2019 and 2021, to test approaches to delivering evidence-based financial education at scale.
The aim of this pathfinder was to understand how to scale financial education interventions for 16 and 17 year olds, in mainstream and non-mainstream settings in England, improving their money knowledge, skills and behaviours and empowering them to approach their finances with confidence in the future.
In 2020/21, amid the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated school closures, the project was delivered to 2,608 young people by a partnership of MyBnk, Learn by Design, Royal Association for Deaf People, The Money Charity and Young Money, and evaluated independently by Trust Impact.
We hope the findings will be useful for any policymakers, funders, schools or delivery organisations who want to deliver or scale financial education in mainstream and non-mainstream settings to young people, including to those in more vulnerable circumstances.
Overall, the evaluation found positive changes to young people’s financial mindset and ability outcomes, at least in the short term. It highlights useful considerations for scaling financial education for this age group in a range of settings, with different groups of young people, including: