Published on:
26 September 2023
This review of evidence, which builds on an earlier 2018 review (1), improves MaPS’ understanding of recently published evidence in the area of financial capability in children and young people. It includes 51 new studies that were categorised and merged into an updated evidence map.
Understanding what works to build children and young people’s financial capabilities is key to informing the delivery of effective financial education for children and young people – whether at home, in educational settings, or in the wider community.
This review of evidence can also inform the sharing of ‘what works’ to those who fund and/or deliver financial education across the UK, so that interventions for children and young people can have the greatest impact, as well as better support progress towards the ‘Financial Foundations’ goal of the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing. It can additionally be used to identify gaps in the evidence base, which MaPS and others can work towards filling.
The review identifies 11 themes, drawn from the evidence base:
We hope these findings will be useful for:
The review was conducted by Professor Tina Harrison, Dr Kitty Shaw and Professor Jake Ansell at the University of Edinburgh Business School
1. Developing financial capability in children and young peopleOpens in a new window, MaPS, 2018.