Published on:
16 November 2020
In October 2020 the Challenge Chairs who advise the Money and Pensions Service on the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing released recommendations on ‘Building the UK’s financial wellbeing in the light of Covid-19’.
To ensure that MaPS fully understood the financial wellbeing impact of Covid-19 across all of the UK, parallel processes of engagement were undertaken in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales by way of virtual roundtables on each ‘agenda for change’ and a number of cross cutting lenses and associated areas.
These national ‘story so far’ reports are listed here alongside the MaPS response document to the Challenge Chair recommendations. The response document details how MaPS will deliver alongside others in the sector to help support and build a financial wellbeing movement from 2021 onwards, and all the reports on this page will be considered in greater detail as the MaPS 2021/22 Corporate Plan is developed, taking into account the government’s Comprehensive Spending Review and the priorities it sets.
Also see and download the following reports