The Money and Pensions Service is committed to building and maintaining public trust and confidence by providing free, and reasonable access to its information. It aims to achieve this by promoting transparency in the way it operates, its decision-making processes and the services it provides.
You will find our most recent responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. You may wish to check these before submitting a request as the information you require might already be available in these responses.
Expenditure on operations between 2020 to 2023.
FOI 235Opens in a new window (PDF, 101KB)
Management of SAR's responses between 2021 to 2023.
FOI 236Opens in a new window (PDF, 125KB)
Costs of running the Standard Financial Statement between 2020 to 2024.
FOI 237Opens in a new window (PDF, 169KB)
Amount of pensions transfers on hold due to amber flag being raised between February 2023 to February 2024.
FOI 238 (PDF, 91KB)
Amount of members taken scam guidance between October 2023 to end March 2024.
FOI 241Opens in a new window (PDF, 128KB)
Amount of funding received by government between tax years 2020 to 2023.
FOI 240Opens in a new window (PDF, 87KB)
Organisation chart and list of current/future projects and timelines for the digital, data, technology, HR or Project teams.
FOI 242Opens in a new window (PDF, 515KB)
Monthly breakdown on number of pension safeguarding guidance sessions between March 2024 and April 2024 by amber flag reasons.
FOI 245Opens in a new window (PDF, 101KB)
Average waiting time using Pension Wise service.
FOI 250Opens in a new window (PDF, 78KB)
Quantity of MaPS financial literacy programmes and their demographic uptake.
FOI 252Opens in a new window (PDF, 146KB)
Quantity and break down of pension safeguarding guidance sessions.
FOI 255Opens in a new window (PDF, 185KB)
Who provides and maintains WAN and internet connectivity infrastructure and the annual spend.
FOI 248Opens in a new window (PDF, 219KB)
Procurement of I.T. end user devices.
FOI 249Opens in a new window (PDF, 371KB)
Contract arrangements on print equipment.
FOI 253Opens in a new window (PDF, 155KB)
Provision of social media management tools.
FOI 254Opens in a new window (PDF, 92KB)
Spend on office supplies and associated products between 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2024 and supplier contract information.
FOI 243Opens in a new window (PDF, 84KB)
Details on expenditure over £25,000 between 1st September 2023 and 31st March 2024.
FOI 244Opens in a new window (PDF, 79KB)
Annex FOI 244Opens in a new window (PDF, 583KB)
How facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) are contracted.
FOI 247Opens in a new window (PDF, 103KB)
Number of members receiveng scam guidance
FOI 217 (PDF, 115KB)
Number of Defined Benefit pension safeguarding appointments
FOI 220 (PDF, 99KB)
Number of people telephoned for areas of guidance since October 2021
FOI 227 (PDF, 151KB)
Annex FOI 227 (PDF, 123KB)
Numbers taking types of scam guidance between April 2023 to end September 2023
FOI 229 (PDF, 141KB)
Numbers attending a self-employed pension review appointment.
FOI 231 (PDF, 155KB)
Types of malicious emails received in 2022 and how they were managed
FOI 209 (PDF, 100KB)
Telephony system, cloud service and I.T. licence agreement
FOI 212 (PDF, 154KB)
WAN and internet provider provision
FOI 214 (PDF, 154KB)
Cloud based provision.
FOI 219 (PDF, 156KB)
Internet provision provider
FOI 221 (PDF, 102KB)
Number and type of devices provided by the organisation. Procurement and duration of I.T services.
FOI 222 (PDF, 157KB)
Annex FOI 222 (PDF, 131KB)
Types of applications and software used.
FOI 226 (PDF, 150KB)
Performance of specified guidance
FOI 72Opens in a new window (PDF, 239KB)
Annex FOI 72Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 101KB)
Losses and special payments
FOI 73Opens in a new window (PDF, 247KB)
Annex FOI 73Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 104KB)
Costs of 'Stronger Nudge' evaluation trial
FOI 77Opens in a new window (PDF, 240KB)
Recruitment of British Muslims
FOI 79Opens in a new window (PDF, 317KB)
Scam guidance taken
FOI 187Opens in a new window (PDF, 337KB)
Evaluation of 'Stronger Nudge' trial
FOI 186Opens in a new window (PDF, 429KB)
Project and Programme spend
FOI 188Opens in a new window (PDF, 286KB)
Amount of calls about ISA's
FOI 189Opens in a new window (PDF, 312KB)
Types of devices deployed to employees
FOI 193Opens in a new window (PDF, 372KB)
Staff misconduct
FOI 192Opens in a new window (PDF, 166KB)
Members taking scam guidance
FOI 195Opens in a new window (PDF, 300KB)
Approaches to risk management
FOI 196Opens in a new window (PDF, 176KB)
Annex FOI 196Opens in a new window (PDF, 290KB)
Public information reporting
FOI 198Opens in a new window (PDF, 290KB)
Number of EDI Officers and membership costs
FOI 200Opens in a new window (PDF, 502KB)
Annex FOI 200Opens in a new window (PDF, 233KB)
Grants received
FOI 201Opens in a new window (PDF, 911KB)
Electronic devices lost or stolen
FOI 70Opens in a new window (PDF, 239KB)
Annex FOI 70Opens in a new window (PDF, 101KB)
Malicious emails
FOI 71Opens in a new window (PDF, 245KB)
Provision of shared or standalone services
FOI 81Opens in a new window (PDF, 272KB)
Policies and evalution of AI
FOI 190Opens in a new window (PDF, 241KB)
Relating to using multi-functional devices
FOI 197Opens in a new window (PDF, 372KB)
Call-off contracts: framework agreements awarded
FOI 194Opens in a new window (PDF, 346KB)
Gender pay gap
FOI36Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 353KB)
Operating software and technology systems
FOI 50Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 277KB)
Annex FOI 50Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 342KB)
Outsourcing services and technologies
FOI 47Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 340KB)
Annex FOI 47Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 138KB)
Language services
FOI 43Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 369KB)
Infrastructure services
FOI 40Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 338KB)
Adoption of AI and digital transformation
FOI 38Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 338KB)
Person responsible for information security
FOI 37Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 332KB)
Debt advice levy 2019–2021
FOI 44Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 345KB)
Tendering winning proposal criteria
FOI 41Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 333KB)
Annex FOI 41Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 129KB)
Payments made to charities 2018–2021
FOI 49Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 341KB)
Transparency report January 2019–March 2020
FOI 48Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 339KB)
Quantity users of the Investment Pathways tool
FOI 45Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 340KB)
Specialism availability for financial advisers
FOI 39Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 335KB)
Annex FOI 39Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 234KB)
Identity of MaPS Board members and ELT
FOI 34Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 340KB)
Pensions specialism/gifts and hospitality
FOI 28Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 177KB)
Annex FOI 28Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 177KB)
Correspondence April 2018–March 2019
FOI 23Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 365KB)
British Steel Pension Fund and DWP
FOI 16Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 400KB)
Debt advice levy
FOI 19Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 378KB)
Contact centre contracts and performance
FOI 33Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 300KB)
Cloud provision
FOI 32Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 360KB)
Intranet provision
FOI 30Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 370KB)
Annex FOI 30Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 248KB)
Software provision
FOI 27 Opens in a new window(PDF/A, 343KB)
Annex FOI 27Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 226KB)
IT hardware, software and support services
FOI 24Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 354KB)
Contract maintenance
FOI 21Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 358KB)
Annex FOI 21Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 192KB)
The Pensions Advisory Service backup IT system
FOI 22Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 362KB)
The Pensions Advisory Service IT system
FOI 18Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 328KB)
Postal services
FOI 25Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 379KB)
Carbon emissions and footprint
FOI 20Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 315KB)
External training spend and budget
FOI 31Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 372KB)
Money Advice Service Annual Accounts 2018-2019
F21082019Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 322KB)
The Pensions Advisory Service and DWP
F31072019Opens in a new window (PDF/A, 331KB)